Letter from Our President

Dear friends,


Like most of us, I had not come into contact with the ALS disease nor understood the depth of its affliction until I learned in 2003 that I am among its victims. Every one of us reacts differently to life-altering news; every one of us relies on his or her nature and personal experience to cope. Mine is to be optimistic; to look forward to change and not dwell on that which is beyond my control. So too with my plunge into the world of ALS; I chose to continue to move my life forward and to add to my long list of public activities for promoting coexistence and improving education, a new focus to advance research and treatment of ALS .

Joining forces with the professional, scientific and patient community that makes up IsrA.L.S, I found a compelling outlet for my energy and commitment. Working with outstanding people in many fields, I am convinced there can be a different future for those afflicted with ALS. I believe we can bring hope into what appears to be a hopeless situation.

With vision, dedication, commitment of resources and brainpower, ALS can be fought. It takes time and money, and most of all it takes faith in our ability to make a difference. Every one of us can do it: those who are sick and those who are healthy; those who believe in scientific break through and those who believe in miracles. Working together to build a better world for all, we can overcome the insurmountable.


I hope you will join us,


Dov Lautman

President, IsrA.L.S